Sanitizing floor mats keeps hygienic areas free of contamination and germs, mats are designed to deeply clean shoes and boots which are among the worst culprits in spreading harmful germs and bacteria such as listeria in food production facilities. Step into the mat and bathe harmful germs and bacteria in a disinfectant solution. Sanitizing footbath mats provide ideal protection from potentially deadly contamination.
Our shoe sanitizing mats keeps hygienic areas free of contamination and germs. Great for food processing plants, this mat has thousands of pliable rubber scrapers that dislodge contaminants from footwear as the shoe soles are immersed in the disinfectant solution. Boot dip mats clean and disinfect shoes before and after entry to designated areas. Also Sanitizing door mats bathe boots and shoes to prevent the spread of germs and bacteria.

Sanitizing mats for shoes are ideal for food processing plants, medications, hygiene supplies, hospitals, and laboratories. The mat keeps areas that require it free of germs and contamination. The capacity to contain 4 liters with disinfecting solution, as the design with thousands of cleaning supplies keep the liquid in place. Our footwear sanitizing mats, or also called disinfecting mats will take care of decontaminating the sole of the shoe before entering any section where it is required to be free of excessive contaminants.
The sanitizing mat has hundreds of cleaning ribs that scrape the dirt from the footwear, but its sanitizing action does not end there since it can contain disinfectant solution at its base that will help to decontaminate the sole of the footwear and not only to remove dirt from it. Disinfecting mats are widely used in industry due to their simplicity and at the same time their practical importance in avoiding a considerable amount of contaminants where they should not exist.
There is no sanitary mat that offers greater benefits than our sanitizing mats, we offer large variety at a very competitive price, in addition to their great qualities, they are also very resistant and durable.

They are ideal for any entryway, as their thousands of cleaning ribs dramatically remove dirt from the soles of shoes, containing dirt and moisture inside the mat so that it does not spread on the floor. Use sanitizing mats and keep your place clean, also the sanitizing mats are excellent for retaining moisture, since they not only support dirt and depends on where it is placed.
For more detailed information please give us a call and we will be happy to let you know which can be the best mat choice based on your needs and can answer any questions you might have, we have a complete team of sales experts waiting for your call!